Monday, July 03, 2006

Katrina here...

Another day...another fail.

I never much liked Earth, to really be honest. Everyone here is so stuck up in their own business. Today, in the city, we saw someone's car get hit and the person who hit him just drove off! He didn't even help.

In Nastimus, you HAVE to help someone you hurt. It's law. And...well, James is...USUALLY there to enforce it. But right now, he's not.

Truthfully, yes, he's a good King. He's fair, he's just, he's brave, he's kind, and yet he is still strict as ever. It just really hard on him, and it's venting out in different ways.

Like this magic stuff. I don't really like him doing magic. But if he can manage without having to do Sorcery, then good for him.

But I suppose he'll read this all later and see what I've said. Well...that's ok.



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