Saturday, November 25, 2006


"I'm just a man, I'm not a hero, just a boy, meant to sing this song. Just a man, not a hero, I--don't--care."

Could that song have said what I need to say here any better? I know I've acting a tad bitter lately, and I know that I haven't been acting myself lately, but right now, I don't need to act myself. I can't act myself.

If this is what Ceilara's like now, I can't imagine what Vuligtana will be like. Truthfully, I want to go home. Back to Earth, to my own house, even go back to school. Hell, I'd be in High School now.

God, I hope we find Bobby soon, so we can get off this Godforsaken realm.



At November 29, 2006 7:34 PM, Blogger Risukai Nightshroud said...

You seem to be doing perfectly fine on your own. I've no clue as to why you'd even consider my help.


At November 30, 2006 3:39 PM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

JAMES!! NO!! You CAN'T give up on Bobby! Not now! Actually, you can EVER give up on him. I know you're tired and you wanna go crawl into bed. But think about school! Do you REALLY wanna go back to bells, and, homework, and that evil teacher who's name I can't remember?? AND YOU'D NEVER SEE BOBBY AGAIN!! Plus, you NEED Bobby. He's got all the keys, and more importanty he's like your moral support!

And what's all this about "I'm so alone?" YOU HAVE KATRINA! Go talk to her. Come up with a plan. Maybe she has some new ideas. Have you even tried looking for Bobby? People just don't dissapper into thin air. If you ever get back to Earth I strongly suggest against you becoming a CIA agent.

Now lets make some progress, shall we? You've sitting around and complaining about hard your life is for months. Well, tough beans! [I love to say that. ^^] You wanted aventure and now you've got it. Don't tell that you'd give it up to go back to SCHOOL.

-Your adoring and frustrated fan


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