Sunday, September 24, 2006

My weekend

As those who know how to read a calender know, yesterday was Saturday.

I can honestly say I had such a great time! Grant is so sweet, and I really like him.

And, no James, he's not a Sorcerer. He's perfectly normal, which is quite a nice change, let me tell you.

We went to a Small Fair not too far away from here. The rides were ridiculously expensive, he was a gentleman(which is another GREAT change), and paid for me, even though I insisted I would. About halfway into it, he took my hand, and we walked around like that. It was so great.

Then, when he dropped me off, he gave me a quick kiss, told me he'd see me later, and left.

What a great night!


At September 24, 2006 6:01 PM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

Like OMG! I want ALL the details! What was he wearing? What did you talk about? Is he funny? Does he play sports? THIS IS SO GREAT!!

-Your adoring fan

At September 25, 2006 5:39 PM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

Okay, so seriously, how are you liking Earth? I bet the fair rocked, didn't it? Did you get some fresh-squeezed lemonaide with all the sugar on the bottom? If you didn't you have to go back and get some! Were there animals there or was it your more city-ish carnival? AND ICE CREAM!!! You have had ice cream, right?


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