Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Time sure flies when you're using magic...

Ok, get this. I can travel the realms. Without a key.

WHOA! I know, right? I had NO clue I could do this without Bobby. I suppose I should've guessed, because that's how the Sorcerers do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sorcerer, but I can do magic. Truth be told, a whole bunch of people can. Granted, most of them aren't from Earth, but that's because Earth has nearly completely forgotten about magic, and whatnot.

Anyway, Mom said that Bobby and Katrina left to look for me last night. So now they're on Esecho, and I'm here. Not to mention that I never was on Esecho to begin with.

Yikes, when/if they get to Oklyon, that'll be an...interesting conversation.

I hope it doesn't get that far.

Yours, who can get to Esecho without a key,


At August 16, 2006 10:08 AM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

Go James!! You can't let Oklyon kill Bobby!! Or Katrina. But mostly Bobby. Yay! You're back!! WHOOT-MUCH!!

-Your adoring fan


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