Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ok, guys...confession time...

Alright, I know I can be a jerk sometimes. It's my temper. And my stress level.

So I'm sorry.


Yeah, ok, so I just totally blew my temper at my friends and mom. I'm still only now just cooling down.

But people don't understand. Mom says that I'm over working myself, and I that I need more days off. But in my profession, you can't take days off. Which, don't get me wrong, I WANT to go see this Pirates of the Bahamas movie, or whatever, but I don't have time! The cyills are on Earth. Every second that ticks by is another second wasted, another life lost. I can't let that happened.

So yeah. We fought. And I ended up walking out. Right now, I'm at this internet cafe place in the city. I have a dagger with me, I'm keeping an eye out.

I guess I'm taking this waaay too far. But I'm not going back to the house right now. I've got a couple hundred dollars with me right now. I'll get a hotel room, or something.

I hope I cool down soon.



At July 17, 2006 6:59 AM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

James, you seriously need to chazill. Talk to Bobby...Bobby rocks. Not to make you feel bad or anything...but you need it. And go see "Pirates of the Bahamas." I mean, carring a dagger and running away isn't going to help anything, but maybe someone in the theater needs saving!

-Your adoring fan

P.S Where'd you get the cash?


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