Sunday, September 24, 2006

Forgive me, please...

Oh, so I'm not as good as your boyfriend because I'm not normal?! Well, listen, you've gotta sort that out with Oklyon, because I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS!

D'you seriously think I ever wanted this...this stress? GOD, no!

So listen. Next time you choose your friends, have 'em fill out a resume. Check their backgrounds. Maybe I should be the one calling you "Your Majesty". Because you sure are acting like a pampered princess right now.



At September 24, 2006 6:05 PM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

And you say you're NOT jelous? Hoo boy, you really had me fooled. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were as green as that kid who puked on the Scarmbler at the fair. Yep, I'd definatly say you've got a career in acting ahead of you. If you ever get Oklyon off you're back you should really look into it.
I know talent when I see it, take my word for it.

-Your adoring fan


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