Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lack of posts...the reasons behind it...

Something's wrong with the computer we usually post on, so I think we might have to make a new blog. But anyway.

So. The last post I had was...not fun. Yeah, I got a bit mad at the world, and earned some angry comments about it. All I can say is I'm sorry, if you can accept that, Beckstra (by the way, do you have a nickname). Things got a little...aggravating. I'm over it now. But let me explain what we've done.

See, we decided (against my will, at first) to stay on Earth until January 1st. And since Christmas falls in that range, we celebrated it. On Nastimus, they have a similar holiday, but it takes place on the first snowfall in December.

Well, we decided not to exchange gifts, but just to relax. Against my will, again. I will say that it's helped a bit, and thankfully Oklyon didn't show up or anything. No body died, or was seriously hurt (Katrina did get a papercut, but that's beside the point), and was kinda nice.

I'm both eager and anxious to get back to Ceilara. And then after Ceilara, it's Vuligtana. Ugh. But yeah, I have to be responsible.

Maybe I am growing up, after all.


PS. Yeah, Katrina was pretty mad at me. Like, I think she may have wanted to beat me. But she didin't. And I'll try and get another blog up and running as soon as possible. And again, I'm sorry for whatever I said.

Really, I am.

"He is," Katrina would like to add, as she watches me type this from over my shoulder.


At December 31, 2006 2:19 PM, Blogger BeckStra7 said...

Aww. It was just so heartfelt and sincere that I have to forgive you. And I'll admit I was getting pretty worried with you not posting for so long. I'd thought maybe Oklyon had killed you in his twisted way of giving you a Christmas present. Speaking of which, tell Bobby that I LOVE the story he's writing for me with that C.O. Deiley person's help. It is indeed the "coolest present in the world." And it would make me REALLY happy if he'd give me the rest of it.

Oh, and by nickname did you mean real name? My friends call me Becky. And since you're my friend I guess it would be fitting if you did too.


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