Tuesday, August 29, 2006

High School, 101

Since I'm staying on Earth, Rosalin figured it would be a good idea to go to school. She thinks that perhaps others my age would believe the story of the other realms easier than the generation before me.

So she taught me basic things needed for said ninth grade, and off I went--

It's one of the weirdest places I've been. The instructors (or so called Teachers here) lectured the same thing in every class, about how the rules were to be obeyed, what kind of things I'd be learning. I'm not sure how they're going to do this was 30 other people in my classes.

I couldn't quite understand how to open my locker (hey, it's all new to me. I've never done this before. Luckily, I share my locker with a kind girl named Maria. She told me she didn't like her name, so I should just call her Mimi. She was in a good amount of my classes, and promised to show me around.

As we were walking to science, we met up with her older brother, Grant. Unlike his sister, who was nearly a foot shorter than me, he was almost a foot taller than me. He complimented me on my hair (what was so great about it? It was the same as it was every day) and went to his next class.

Anyway, Mimi invited me over to her house this weekend to do homework together, and maybe to a makeover on each other. I'm not quite sure what a makeover is, but I'm sure it'll be ok. Perhaps she can believe me.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ice, snow, sleet, hail...God, it's cold

Albora. The Realm of Snow.

Why would anyone make a realm of snow?

It's incredibly cold here, and I had arrived in a winter jacket from earth. The weather here in the sunlight is approximately -10 degrees. Quickly, freezing down to my bones, I stumbled to the closest town.

At least the people here are nice. They quickly gave me dry (and warm!) clothing, food, and a place to stay. I'm not really sure how I can get internet connection on a different realm, and truthfull, I'm too tired to try and figure it out.

So far, everyone I've told so far has believed me. Just because I've only told one person doesn't mean anything, but they do believe me. The village cheif, Stribog, invited me into his igloo hut type thing and told me his suspcions. The conversation went a bit like this:

"You are not from around here young one, are you?" he asked, handing me a warm drink. I accepted it and used its heat to warm my freezing hands.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked. Stribog smiled.

"Most who've lived on Albora know to wear many, many layers, and not venture out at late. And your clothing was made of animal hide I've never seen. Where are you from?"

I sighed. I truthfully hadn't wanted to give away who I was so soon, but maybe this was for the good. I introduced myself, and told him what had happened to us, including James' idea that all the realms had to be connected for any force to overtake Oklyon. Stribog listened, enraptured. When I finished, he told me he believe every word, and would take my story to the rest of the village tomorrow.

Right now, I'm going to wrap this up. My eye's are hardly able to stay open, and I'm dozing off.

More when something else happens.

See you later,

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Off to Albora...

Alright, we finally met up again. I was yelled at for leaving, and I yelled at them for yelling at me, and I almost left again, but it's cool now.

So why have we decided to split up again?

I know, I know, it sounds crazy. But no on one Earth is going to believe me. The only way to make that happen is to have a catastrophie occur. And that's exactly what I'm afraid is going to happen. No, I know it will happen.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm giving up on this place. But you know what? I tried. You people (Save for the Adfero, and of course, Beckstra7) didn't believe me. Maybe you should've listened harder.

Anyway, I'm off to Ceilara(No clue if that's how it's spelled), the Realm of Air. Maybe they'll listen to me more. I've decided to bring the laptop with, but I have no clue if the internet will work. It's not necessarily on our plan. But let's see how it goes. Bobby's going to Albora to try and convince them there, and Katrina will stay here with mom. Hopefully, she'll have some more luck with people.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. We still have all of Vuligtana and Esecho to convince, and they're the ones I'm afraid of.

Wish me luck,

Saturday, August 19, 2006

No luck

They didn't even take the laptop with them!

Am I really that hard to find? And it's not like it was my fault this time! The Adfero--

THAT'S IT! The Adfero told me if I ever needed help, I could count on them. I think this qualifies as needing help. But where to find them....

Yours, who needs help,

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Time sure flies when you're using magic...

Ok, get this. I can travel the realms. Without a key.

WHOA! I know, right? I had NO clue I could do this without Bobby. I suppose I should've guessed, because that's how the Sorcerers do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sorcerer, but I can do magic. Truth be told, a whole bunch of people can. Granted, most of them aren't from Earth, but that's because Earth has nearly completely forgotten about magic, and whatnot.

Anyway, Mom said that Bobby and Katrina left to look for me last night. So now they're on Esecho, and I'm here. Not to mention that I never was on Esecho to begin with.

Yikes, when/if they get to Oklyon, that'll be an...interesting conversation.

I hope it doesn't get that far.

Yours, who can get to Esecho without a key,

Monday, August 07, 2006

Explaining to do...The Adfero

I guess that I shouldn't have left, and yeah, yeah, I know. Half of it wasn't my fault. I had planned to just spend the night in a small motel, and come home the next day. Well...that plan evaporated when I woke up with a tall figure over my bed...I pulled out a dagger (yes, I am paranoid enough to sleep with a dagger, thank you very much), but before I could do anything, the figure--woman--spoke.

"We mean you no harm, Your Majesty. We believe you."

Ok, did they have to wait til NOW to tell me?!

So, they took me to their...headquarters, I guess, and told me about them. They are sort of a cult, The Adfero, who believe in all this other worldly stuff. I'm not gonna go into details. But they kept me there for three weeks (THREE WEEKS!!! They couldn't even let me near a computer, or anything, for some odd reason).

But now I'm here, in a library. The Adfero let me, awaiting what my next word would be. And seeing how Bobby and Katrina are gone, things just got a bit more complicated.

Yours, who obviously had some people worried,

Sunday, August 06, 2006


We have to leave Earth. I seriously don't think he's here. It not like James is a dog; we can't go around calling his name. It just doesn't work.

Rosalin's givin us a laptop to take with us, but I don't know if it will be more of a help or hindrace.

Wish us luck, especially because this might be the last time posting here. The blog isn't really a top prioritey.
